Enterprises of any size have wireless handsets in the hands of many many people and managing the constant change and upgrades, controlling capabilities, security etc an be a nightmare. Its the kind of problem that evolves over time and before you know it you have a full scale asset to manage costing thousands of dollars per month. In a lot of cases cell phones and wireless devices are a larger cost in a company than its dedicated Internet, wide are network and desktop phone service. Enterprises need to better understand, control and manage their telecommunications infrastructure, equipment and devices. The best way to do that is work with a fully outsourced Telecom Expense Management partner that absorbs labor-intensive functions such as auditing, reporting, monthly optimization and management. Or, depending on complexity and staffing requirements, clients have the flexibility to keep some functions in-house while the partner fills in the gaps.
- SaaS Solution for Inventory and Line Management
- Pro-active Monthly Optimization
- Cost Allocation and Custom Reporting
- Bill Review and Reconciliation
- Credit Verification
In addition to managing the expense of wireless devices, is keeping up with all the different carriers and managing those relationships. You might have one group of people in a mostly Verizon area and another in a predominantly Sprint area. Or maybe you acquired a company who used a completely different provider altogether. It doesn't matter how you got there but more often than not companies have phones with multiple carriers on different plans and expiration dates. Managing all those devices is difficult and time consuming. We can help you with that as well, our clients gain access to a team with decades of experience in working with the industry’s leading carriers and service providers. We are independent and carrier-agnostic, meaning we take an unbiased approach to securing the best possible solutions and pricing for your organization.
A TEM can help with...
- Vendor Selection
- Procurement
- Network, Equipment, Software, Security
- Contract Negotiations
- Special Pricing, Customized T’s and C’s
Our quick strike audits provide comprehensive invoice and telecom inventory assessment, contract review, optimization recommendations, implementation and verification of changes, and guaranteed savings.
Most companies aren't even aware this type of service exists. Many companies work with a direct rep at each of the carriers and feel like there is no other option, but their wrong. Just as the agent channel and consultants support many companies on the voice and data telecom circuit side of the business you can get the same support on the wireless side as well. Imagine having your own outsourced wireless helpdesk for employees to call with their cell phone issues. In most cases we are able to save our clients 30% or more on monthly mobility expenses.
The process is simple, we will...
- SURVEY – Complete multi- and inter-departmental meetings, discovery sessions, and data gathering.
- ANALYZE – Data crunching based on findings of audit and analysis from invoices, bills and interviews. Information is filtered by our experts utilizing extensive industry knowledge and carrier price benchmarking.
- VALIDATE – Provide detailed recommendations for approval.
- EXECUTE – Complete implementation process and management to ensure successful, dependable and long-term results.
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