The goal of any business is to grow and increase revenue. They do that by improving the product they offer, adding features to differentiate from the competition and by trying to create a product that everyone needs and can't live without. Think back 10 years ago and Steve Jobs' invention of the iPhone. Prior to that product businesses used some cell phones, pagers that could text etc in order to communicate while mobile but most companies still primarily communicated by email and landline telephone. After the iPhone hit there wasn't a person in site who wasn't scrambling to get the latest iPhone or Android smart phone. Over 10 years later consumers still upgrade to the latest and greatest phone every single year. Imagine offering a product with so much demand that your business struggles to keep up. How much money have you personally dropped in the past 10 years just to get that phone with a fancy camera or faster processor that really isn't that much better than the one you just finished paying for? Then ask when was the last time you invested in improving your business technology?

The reality is there are many crucial products that businesses take for granted every day. I want to specifically focus on products that businesses depend on to run transactions, communicate with customers and vendors, secure customer information etc. Products that are way more important than the latest iPhone for the success of your business. The products I have in mind are things that most businesses consider commodities, products that are a necessity yet they hate to pay for them every month and are always looking for ways to get them cheaper even if it means sacrificing security or performance. Would you downgrade to a lessor heating or air conditioner on your home just to save a few bucks per month?
Think about where your business would be without Internet? How about a quality phone system? Maybe you have several locations that all need connectivity to a central server that runs your point of sale system or a CRM database. Mobility has become an increasingly necessary tool to run a business but what could you live without the easiest, an iPhone or an Internet circuit? Chances are you couldn't run a single transaction or collect a single dollar without an a phone line or an Internet connection. So before you decide to scrimp on the cost of your lifeline business solutions such as Internet, phones or connectivity you might want to consider what products are the highest priority and provide the greatest return for your investment. The next time you shell out $1500 a month on SEO without even thinking, hoping it will drive customers to your business remember that none of that even matters without solid tools to run your business in the first place. That same $1500 investment in Internet and phones will keep you in business a lot longer than SEO or a radio ad will. Its kind of a chicken and egg scenario...sure they are all necessary tools to grow but if your voice and data network isn't solid and secure or your connectivity is poor what kind of customer experience will your newly found customers have? Consider investing in a tier 1 fiber connection rather than that cheap wireless circuit that over promises and under delivers. Replace that dinosaur phone system you've used for the past 10 years with better technology that makes your employees more productive, simplifies IT management and improves the customer experience.
With that in mind consider what Agility Communications can do to make your business succeed andearn that 5 star rating were all so desperate for from Google. Agility Communications is a technology partner that provides you with a simplified approach and a single point of contact to procure outstanding telecom services. Agility offers the tools you need to succeed such as...
- Internet Solutions - From copper to fiber and everything in between and not just in some little local market but nation wide.
- Business phones systems - VoIP, hosted Voip, traditional pbx, and the tools to allow you to communicate with customers and vendor anytime and from anywhere.
- Voice services - Anything from analog phones lines to SIP trunking, long distance and VoIP.
- Data Networking Connectivity - We specialize in network design and implementation. We'll design your wide area network and provide carrier circuits to connect your offices together in a secure, high bandwidth redundant solution. Not just some ISP offering an internet connection but access to private networking such as MPLS, SD WAN, Metro Ethernet, High speed fiber solutions anywhere in the world from a single provider on a single bill. Or if necessary we'll design a solution with multiple carriers and get them to work together.
- Cyber Security - Professional consulting and a comprehensive set of tools such as Web Security, email security, Intrusion detection, Mitigation, Firewall, cloud backup and more.
- Video - Video conferencing simplified with both hardware and cloud based solutions from Zoom, Lifesize, and Polycom.
- Microsoft Office 365 - Migration to office 365 simplified. We'll help you procure the right licenses and we'll manage the migration including your exchange server for you without incurring a bunch of professional services costs and we'll provide ongoing support.
- Cloud Solutions - File sync and share, Microsoft Azure IaaS, Cloud backup, Email security and archiving, Disaster recovery and password management. Multiple vendors with a seamless delivery of services.
- Survellance, Fire and Security Monitoring - We'll help you custom design your building security including cameras, and access control. Our partners will design and install fire systems and take care of inspections and ongoing monitoring.
- IT services - Outsourced IT support including desktop support, data cabling and printer services.
Offering more than any single carrier, MSP, ISP or IT shop can, Agility Communications is your one stop shop for all your business technology needs. Not only will we help you procure the services, we'll manage yoru contracts and stay involved long term to insure you always have the best solutions available at the industry best pricing.
Before you call 10 different vendors for help make a single call to us today for a free business analysis and find out how Agility can help you reduce costs, improve your network and save you time.